Each person who was featured in my book “Perseverance, Pranks & Pride – Tales of the One-Room Schoolhouse” received a nametag (with of course their one-room school house on it) and a corsage as a way of saying thanks for sharing their stories. Many friends and family members, including Lisa Badham, Helen Chambers, Anne Marie Sarazan, Lorraine Cantlie, Marilyn and Gay Chamberlain and Barbara Forbes brought homemade squares and cookies. Thanks also go out to Frances Balodis for beautiful yellow roses, David Donaldson & Isabelle Simmons for yellow and red sunflowers, Laura Armstrong for burgundy mums, Gay Chamberlain & Liz Bear for a fruit and chocolate basket, and Bev Tauber Smith from CFUW/Sherbrooke for a bouquet of flowers and best wishes from their club.
The celebrations continue next Sunday, September 19th from 1-5pm at the Centrepointe Library, 101 Centrepointe Drive in Nepean. There will also be a Power Point presentation featuring many of the one room schools in the area.
See you there!