I am pleased to announce that Dorothy Shaw won the Peterborough Theatre Guild Award for Set Design. We had numerous authentic pieces on the set - 8 original student desks, original teacher's desk & chair, 1927 Confederation Plaque, 1936-1938 globe, Neilson Chocolate bar map, Union Jack, Ontario flags, 1938 teacher's register, and period textbooks which I'm sure contributed to her winning the award.
There were four productions that had students in the cast and/or crew. All students were recognised as the future of live theatre. Jonas Blackburn (11) came away as the winner of the Thérèse May Memorial Award for Outstanding Student Contribution for his portrayal of Milton. I was so pleased! I loved it when he boldly showed off his salpiglossis, called Colonel Burnett a bully, and sang as the banker in the Christmas scene.
The cast of "Schoolhouse" was very talented and their joy of acting really shone through. I hope they cherish the time we spent together and all the friendships we have developed. Putting on “Schoolhouse” was a team effort, and I’m so proud to have been a part of that team. I look forward to seeing the cast and crew around Kanata Theatre, or on a larger stage, in the years ahead.